Tuesday, January 31, 2023
Under His Attachment
Monday, January 30, 2023
Keep Smiling
A modeling career is the dream of many girls - and usually remains, because the industry is coveted and fast-moving. As an internationally booked model, today's actress has been one of Germany's leading advertising faces for many years. Tiana Pongs knows the model business inside out. Her guide "Keep Smiling" (Ebozon Verlag) explains step by step how to start, what the everyday model life looks like and how emerging models can successfully establish themselves on the international market.
How do I get a professional agency? How do I find photographers and clients and how do I deal with them? How do photo shoots work? Tiana Pongs provides first-hand information about general conditions and do's and don'ts at work. She also talks about fees and tax advisors, travel information and practical beauty and nutrition tips. She also provides a current and verified list of agencies from around the world.
Tiana Pongs does not leave out the pitfalls of the profession and the unsightly sides of model life - dirty offers, always "on stay", controlling the body, homesickness. Those who know and are prepared can learn a lot in the multifaceted fashion business - and earn good money. An inspiring guide with helpful insider knowledge!
Tiana Pongs, born in Mönchengladbach in 1979, started a successful international career as a model in 2001. After graduating from high school, she worked in Milan, Paris, Cape Town and in New York. With over 1000 advertising productions, she was one of the leading advertising faces in Germany. She graced various international covers, product packaging, TV and advertising campaigns. Tiana Pongs lives in Los Angeles. She works as an actress and is the official ambassador for the children's aid organization World Vision Germany.
Click here to get Keep Smiling on Amazon / Kindle
Sunday, January 29, 2023
The Strangers
The Strangers:
From: The Chronicles of Bamboo Village
Vol.1 No.5
Saturday, January 28, 2023
Natural Healing and Medical Research
Natural Healing and Medical Research:
Learn the Secrets of Natural Medicine
Learn the secrets of natural medicine and how herbalism can heal your mind, body, and spirit.
Scientists today starting to understand how wild animals use plant medicines to prevent diseases. With Zoopharmacognosy, many exotic plant species were used to treat health conditions by many healers. Herbs and Medicinal parts of the plants are used by many ethnic groups around the world. In this book, we research the secrets of traditional medicine and if these secrets are supported by clinical studies. Traditional medicine secrets, natural treatments, folk healing practices, superfoods, physical activities for well-being, longevity, and of course medical research. I will share holistic and powerful effective remedies for living a better life.
Natural Medicine Secrets.
A Holistic Approach to Improving Health.
Secrets Of Natural Diet.
Herbal Medicine Uses.
Alternative Treatments.
Treatments for many medical problems such as upper and lower respiratory diseases like allergies and asthma, stomach problems like gastritis, and acid reflux, tooth disorders, viral, bacterial, and fungal diseases, cardiovascular diseases, mental health concerns like anxiety, and so on.
Flexing In My Melanin
instagram handle: Miss_officialone and @kayln_milan
Friday, January 27, 2023
Books By Danielle Bell
Books By Danielle Bell
Grandma, I Choose You captures the love from a grandchild to their grandmother through memories and fun times. From extra chocolate cake to staying up late..., time with grandma is a precious moment. So, cuddle up and enjoy reading why your grandbaby chooses you!
Mom I Choose you is the first of a series of books written from the child's perspective on why they love and choose you. Dedicate this book to a special mom, or mom to be and watch how she glows just knowing that she has been chosen! Be sure to use the journal at the end to capture special bonding moments!
Dad I Choose you demonstrates how the father or father figure resonates love for their child through displays of love given to the mom from pregnancy to birth and beyond. It's no surprise infants and toddlers are soothed by hearing their dad's voice...because they've heard it all along!
Chasing Dandelions
Chasing Dandelions:
Love, Grief, and the Commandments of Jesus
Thursday, January 26, 2023
The Lookyloo
(A scary suspenseful coming of age werewolf horror mystery thriller book for kids, teens, and adults)
Wednesday, January 25, 2023
Surviving The Mental Health Jungle:
Surviving The Mental Health Jungle:
Mental Health Professional Guide for Everyone
Filled with powerful insider tools, strategies, best practices, and real-life lessons, Patrice tackles:
The specialized: From counseling a person with control issues to learning about CBT, counseling theorists, existentialism, stress management, sales principles to make you stand out, and more, get into the nitty gritty of the concepts and tools to succeed and thrive as a mental health counselor
And so much more!
This book is fullу packaged with strategies on hоw tо ѕurvivе in the mental hеаlth junglе. Enclosed herein is a widе rаngе of insights to hеlр you еxсеl in уоur career аѕ a real problem-solver.
So, what аrе уоu wаiting for?
Tuesday, January 24, 2023
A Children's Book with Pictures for ages 0-3, 3-5, or Kindergarten to Teach Good Behavior by Example
Teach your children kindness in the best way possible, by example.
This delightful tale features soothing easy rhymes and colorful visuals to walk your child through a fun weekend routine. Isabella will help you teach your child about kindness, sharing, hygiene, love, and appreciation for the outdoors. There are also examples of positive behavior at home and outside.
Isabella was written with the theme of learning to read in mind for young children and builds in difficulty despite being very short to avoid fatigue or boredom. "Isabella" is a living book because it enables an easy opening into conversation with your children about positive behavior, such as the importance of sharing, hygiene, and kindness. Children learn best by example, and "Isabella" is beautifully illustrated with vivid colors, easy-to-describe, and relatable scenarios.
My daughter Isabella inspired the book because we wish to share her radiating warmth with the world.
"Isabella" is appropriate for children of all ages.
We highly suggest parents, teachers, and anybody who engages with children to share it.
Monday, January 23, 2023
Tinder is Awesome, People Suck
Tinder is Awesome, People Suck:
The uncensored dating journal of a forty-year-old woman, full of harsh truths we all have to face
3 months, 115 matches, 90 conversations, but how many times did she get it on?!
A 40-year-old woman embarks on an amusing Tinder journey, and she has no idea what she’s about to find behind the alluring Tinder red flame begging her to sign-up.
She had heard it all – Tinder is for swindlers and cheap men looking for a quick fuck, or creeps lurking in the shadows. She hadn’t heard anything great about this infamous app, which piqued her interest and led her to embark on a “social experiment” of sorts to find out if you truly couldn’t find “the one” on a dating app.
But after swiping left and right, mostly left, thousands of times, she came to an intriguing conclusion.
This light-hearted, raw encounter narrates an explicit Tinder experience relatable to both women and men. Get ready to come to grips with the reality of people on dating apps and how not to be on the losing end when it comes to using them.
But what does it take to become Tinder savvy?
How many frogs do you have to kiss first before landing the prince or princess?
Click here to get Tinder is Awesome, People Suck
Also Available on Kindle Unlimited
Sunday, January 22, 2023
A Book To Make Valentines Day Very Very Special
Take Your Sex Life From Boring To Mind-Blowing in a Few More Than 69 Moves
Saturday, January 21, 2023
Mistress Molly and Her Senior Sex Club
Mistress Molly and Her Senior Sex Club
or at https://sherryhalperin.com/
Friday, January 20, 2023
Not Your Mama's Bible
Not Your Mama's Bible (NUMB):
A Street-Smart Self-Development Book
Are you struggling to be who you are? Is making connections with others or even yourself a challenge?
If you're checking this book out, you're probably looking for a change. I bet you've read some self-development books in the past. Those hundreds of pages are full of useless talk and sugar-coated B.S.. Can you recall a single piece of advice that stayed in your mind? Did any of it change your life? I want to save you time. I'm going to cut out all the B.S. and give you a straight, bold talk.
If you are not afraid of the bitter truth, if you are not faint every time you hear a curse word, if you are not lazy and are willing to break some sweat to work on yourself - this book is for you.
This is a bible. Not Your Mama's Bible, though-a different kind. You can say goodbye to those negative voices in your head and focus on the positive ones. You won't find any fake pleasantries here, just honest guidance that you can use to build a solid foundation in your life. In this book, we will break down the barriers of what's holding you back and how to build your self-confidence from there on out. Inside Not Your Mama's Bible, you will learn how to:
- identify 'garbage' in your life so you can drop the heavy weight and set yourself free;
- build confidence and self-worth;
- achieve your goals using essential skills;
- manage stress so you can be happier, more productive, and healthier;
- manage your expectations and understand why they matter so much;
- perform a banana split and stop being influenced by outsiders; and
- learn how to build true friendships and meaningful relationships.
Plus, so much more! This no-nonsense guide is perfect for anyone looking to take control of their life, build self-confidence, and break free from negative turmoil within that's holding them back. Packed with practical tips, strategies, and exercises to help you unleash your full potential, this is the ultimate tool to help you live a happier, more fulfilling life.
Wait no more! Invest in yourself-get your copy of Not Your Mama's Bible and become the main character of your life!
Click here to get Not Your Mama's Bible (NUMB) on Amazon / Kindle
Click here to get Not Your Mama's Bible (NUMB) on Apple Books
Click here to get Not Your Mama's Bible (NUMB) on Google Play
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What Can I Do? By Kevin Hayes What Can I Do? A colorful and engaging children's book that takes readers on a journey through the many ...