Tuesday, October 26, 2021

The Self-Care Journey


Self-Care is often viewed as a luxury not many people can partake in. However, self-care is actually quite attainable and necessary. It needs to occur at all levels, Physical, Mental, Emotional, Social & Spiritual, for true balance. This journey aims to take you through all these aspects of your wellbeing and help you become your best self! It even contains worksheets that can help you along your journey!

Clcik here to get The Self-Care Journey on Amazon / Kindle 


1 comment:

  1. Self-care is so important, especially in this time! This is why I was so inspired to write this book with all the activities to help you stay on track with your self care. If you have any questions about the book feel free to reply her or hit me up on Instagram ( @mdc_rx )


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