Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Serving Success


Serving Success by Patricia Reese Ghany

Do you want to be successful in life?

While our dreams of success are complex and varied, they are often encompassed in two words: true wealth. I know how impossible those two simple words can feel. My name is Patricia Ghany, and I am a Chef. There’s nothing special about me and my family, yet we have achieved our goal of building true wealth. Now we only work when we want to, not because we have to. If we can do this, so can you.

Wealth and money tell the story of our lives. This book is our way to share with you tried-and-true recipes for financial success. We have learned how to succeed with the help of our professions and the people in our lives. These are lessons learned from the wisdom of my fearless Texan great-grandma, the heat of the kitchen, and the ups and downs of the real estate market.

We are here to serve you success. By sharing delicious Southern recipes, lively stories, and a solid plan to grow your wealth, we hope to help you create the best life ever, not just for yourself but also for the people you love.

So, hold on to your knickers—you are in for a wild ride!

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